Quelle: Enterprise Europe Network

Tech­no­lo­gy and Busi­ness Coope­ra­ti­on Days 2023 – open for registration –

B2B-Mee­tings (online or live) during HANNOVER MESSE 2022: Indus­try 4.0, resour­ce and ener­gy effi­ci­ent manu­fac­tu­ring tech­no­lo­gies, sus­tainable ener­gy & mobi­li­ty, mea­su­re­ment tools

The Han­no­ver Mes­se 2023 will be orga­nis­ed again as tra­di­tio­nal bro­kera­ge event with per­so­nal mee­tings on the fair­ground (17. – 20. April 2023). Con­ve­ni­ent online -mee­tings for tho­se orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, which can­not attend per­so­nal­ly due to tra­vel rest­ric­tions, high distances or cos­ts will be pos­si­ble two weeks befo­re the fair (04. – 06. April 2023). Online mee­tings do not requi­re any addi­tio­nal soft­ware, only an up-to-date web brow­ser, a micro­pho­ne and a web­cam to attend the videoconferences.

Tog­e­ther with our event part­ners and part­ners from the Enter­pri­se Euro­pe Net­work, we will con­ti­nue working on this event and the web­site to help you estab­lish new inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness cont­acts and find part­ners for upco­ming Euro­pean pro­jects. Focus:

  • Indus­try 4.0 and Smart Fac­to­ry solutions
  • Resour­ce and ener­gy effi­ci­ent manu­fac­tu­ring technologies
  • Sus­tainable Ener­gy & Mobility
  • Mea­su­re­ment Tools

The regis­tra­ti­on for the „hybrid“ Tech­no­lo­gy & Busi­ness Coope­ra­ti­on Days is free of cos­ts. The regis­tra­ti­on is open until 31st of March 2023.

Take your chan­ce to inno­va­te! Gain new oppor­tu­ni­ties and com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ges through R&D and tech­no­lo­gi­cal as well as busi­ness co-operations.

Why par­ti­ci­pa­te

  • Show­ca­se your most favoura­ble pro­jects, pro­ducts or know-how
  • Tar­ge­ting poten­ti­al busi­ness part­ners in pre-sche­du­led face-to-face meetings
  • Initia­te cross-bor­der cont­acts and co-operations
  • Find new commercial/technological/research partners
  • Get latest infor­ma­ti­on on indus­tri­al rela­ted rese­arch results
  • Meet and share views with rese­ar­chers and experts
  • Easy access to enter­pri­ses and sci­en­tists in the the­ma­tic focus.

Orga­nis­ed by the ENTERPRISE EUROPE NETWORK, the world’s lar­gest sup­port net­work for SMEs with inter­na­tio­nal ambi­ti­ons, with spe­cial con­tri­bu­ti­ons of the net­works sec­tor groups and the EUROPEAN INNOVATORS initia­ti­ve, the bro­kera­ge event stands for initia­ting excel­lent cross-bor­der cont­acts and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons. Regis­tra­ti­on is free of cost and pos­si­ble until 31st March 2023!

Regis­ter Now!